8403 Colesville Rd., Suite 1100
Silver Spring, MD 20910



How Conflict Behaves Within Different Contexts

When it comes to confronting conflict, there is a wide array of valuable tools and tactics available for mediators, conflict managers, and individuals to learn and employ in the face of growing tensions. However, to see a conflict only in the moment it arises is to see it out of context. The norms and structures…

January 17, 2024
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Perception, Feeling and Action as Conflict Frameworks

Frameworks help analyze conflict, and the deeper our understanding of conflict, the greater our ability to handle it effectively. Like the steel girders in a skyscraper, a framework gives conflict shape. How we view conflict will impact our attitude and approach to it. One framework for analyzing conflict, as described in “The Dynamics of Conflict…

December 19, 2023
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Smart Conversations: How to Navigate Effective Discourse

Some communication theorists interpret human communication as a continuous loop, with the sender and receiver simultaneously engaged in the receiving, interpreting and responding to each other’s messages. However, when people are in conflict, their communication is fraught with misinterpretation. Parallel one-way communication never transforms conflict because there is no basis for mutual understanding. Each participant…

December 13, 2023
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How to Use Self Reflection to Ease Conflict

Being a reflective individual means regularly engaging in this kind of inquiry. It can also help you draw out invaluable insights for the future. We’ve all had the experience of diving into a conversation, riding high on emotions and frustration. The conversation becomes a conflict, and then the conflict escalates and becomes painful. Hours later…

November 28, 2023
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Emotional Intelligence and its Role in Conflict Resolution

Being “smart” is one of the most commonly cited attributes in relation to success. We want to look smart, make smart decisions, and be smart about our careers. However, being ‘smart’ means more than we often realize. Intelligence cannot be separated from the blessings and curses of human emotion, and this is a vital insight…

November 13, 2023
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Being Mindful in Mediation

We all strive to develop practices that help us become better leaders, better practitioners, and better team members. And given that so many of these goals rest on interpersonal relationships, this means developing practices to navigate misunderstandings, diverging viewpoints and, especially, conflict. Mindfulness can be a crucial mental tool for handling interpersonal interactions, but this…

September 18, 2023
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